The Kinderkrippe Kolibri
The Kinderkrippe Kolibri daycare center has been an integral part of supplementary childcare for babies and toddlers in the Baden region since 1991. We provide care for children from 3 months old until they start kindergarten.
Appreciation, independence, fairness and creativity
Our greatest goal is the well-being of each child. We aspire to be more than just a care facility. At Kinderkrippe Kolibri, we support each child in their individual development, taking into account their personality, age, needs, capabilities, as well as their mental and physical condition. Our four core values guide us in providing the best care for the children entrusted to us.
Our focus
Forest days
At Kinderkrippe Kolibri, we place great importance on respectful interaction with nature. The forest provides an abundance of sensory experiences. Sensory perception develops through observing, smelling, feeling, hearing, and perceiving the world around us. Children are naturally encouraged to challenge their motor skills, make all kinds of discoveries, and engage in tactile experiments.
Cross-generational projects
Situated within the grounds of the Regionales Pflegezentrum Baden, our location provides a unique opportunity for intergenerational interactions. Whether it’s strolling through the park, navigating the corridors of the buildings, playing on the intergenerational playground, or spending time in the Garden of Remembrance, our children have daily encounters with the residents of the care center. We actively foster these connections through intergenerational projects, including joint painting therapy, visits to the dementia ward, and coordinated events.
Project-oriented work
Each year, we select a theme that becomes the focal point for various projects. As part of these projects, the children are accompanied by a themed character who assumes multiple roles: teacher, friend, comforter, play partner, and even the break-time clown. This approach not only strengthens the sense of togetherness but also promotes social interaction among the children. Through targeted activities, we encourage development in various areas, including fine motor skills, language, creativity, role play, gross motor skills, music, logical thinking, and rhythm, all within the context of play.